[INFO] Starting test suite for CCExtractor - If you encounter any issues using this program, don't hesitate to ask questions or report problems on GitHub. Please don't forget to attach logs (enable extensive logging using the -debug flag). [INFO] Test suite version: 0.8.8323.12645 [INFO] [INFO] If you want to see the available flags, run this program with --help. Press ctrl-c to abort if necessary. [INFO] [WARN] Provided no config or an invalid one; reverting to default config (CCExtractorTester.exe.config) [WARN] /repository/tmpFiles does not exist; trying to create it [INFO] Generated result files will be stored in /repository/tmpFiles(when running multiple tests after another, files might be overwritten) [INFO] Overriding CCExtractorLocation with given version (located at: ccextractor) [INFO] Overriding timeout with: 3000 [INFO] Overriding ReportFolder with: /repository/reports [INFO] Overriding ResultFolder with: /repository/TestResults [INFO] Overriding SampleFolder with: /repository/TestFiles [INFO] Setting report URL to provided value! [INFO] Running provided file [INFO] Multitest, overriding report folder to: /repository/reports/Testsuite_Report_2022-10-15_200924 [INFO] Starting with entry 1 of 1 [ERROR] Path is empty [INFO] Finished entry 1 with exit code: 0 [INFO] Runtime: 00:00:00.9149030 Sending log to the server: [INFO] Starting test suite for CCExtractor - If you encounter any issues using this program, don't hesitate to ask questions or report problems on GitHub. Please don't forget to attach logs (enable extensive logging using the -debug flag). [INFO] Test suite version: 0.8.8323.12645 [INFO] [INFO] If you want to see the available flags, run this program with --help. Press ctrl-c to abort if necessary. [INFO] [WARN] Provided no config or an invalid one; reverting to default config (CCExtractorTester.exe.config) [INFO] Generated result files will be stored in /repository/tmpFiles(when running multiple tests after another, files might be overwritten) [INFO] Overriding CCExtractorLocation with given version (located at: ccextractor) [INFO] Overriding timeout with: 3000 [INFO] Overriding ReportFolder with: /repository/reports [INFO] Overriding ResultFolder with: /repository/TestResults [INFO] Overriding SampleFolder with: /repository/TestFiles [INFO] Setting report URL to provided value! [INFO] Running provided file [INFO] Multitest, overriding report folder to: /repository/reports/Testsuite_Report_2022-10-15_203147 [INFO] Starting with entry 1 of 1 [ERROR] The remote server returned an error: (500) INTERNAL SERVER ERROR. Sending log to the server: [INFO] Starting test suite for CCExtractor - If you encounter any issues using this program, don't hesitate to ask questions or report problems on GitHub. Please don't forget to attach logs (enable extensive logging using the -debug flag). [INFO] Test suite version: 0.8.8323.12645 [INFO] [INFO] If you want to see the available flags, run this program with --help. Press ctrl-c to abort if necessary. [INFO] [WARN] Provided no config or an invalid one; reverting to default config (CCExtractorTester.exe.config) [INFO] Generated result files will be stored in /repository/tmpFiles(when running multiple tests after another, files might be overwritten) [INFO] Overriding CCExtractorLocation with given version (located at: ccextractor) [INFO] Overriding timeout with: 3000 [INFO] Overriding ReportFolder with: /repository/reports [INFO] Overriding ResultFolder with: /repository/TestResults [INFO] Overriding SampleFolder with: /repository/TestFiles [INFO] Setting report URL to provided value! [INFO] Running provided file [INFO] Multitest, overriding report folder to: /repository/reports/Testsuite_Report_2022-10-15_203413 [INFO] Starting with entry 1 of 1 [ERROR] Path is empty [INFO] Finished entry 1 with exit code: 0 [INFO] Runtime: 00:00:01.4056630 Sending log to the server: [INFO] Starting test suite for CCExtractor - If you encounter any issues using this program, don't hesitate to ask questions or report problems on GitHub. Please don't forget to attach logs (enable extensive logging using the -debug flag). [INFO] Test suite version: 0.8.8323.12645 [INFO] [INFO] If you want to see the available flags, run this program with --help. Press ctrl-c to abort if necessary. [INFO] [WARN] Provided no config or an invalid one; reverting to default config (CCExtractorTester.exe.config) [INFO] Generated result files will be stored in /repository/tmpFiles(when running multiple tests after another, files might be overwritten) [INFO] Overriding CCExtractorLocation with given version (located at: ccextractor) [INFO] Overriding timeout with: 3000 [INFO] Overriding ReportFolder with: /repository/reports [INFO] Overriding ResultFolder with: /repository/TestResults [INFO] Overriding SampleFolder with: /repository/TestFiles [INFO] Setting report URL to provided value! [INFO] Running provided file [INFO] Multitest, overriding report folder to: /repository/reports/Testsuite_Report_2022-10-15_203739 [INFO] Starting with entry 1 of 1 [ERROR] Path is empty [INFO] Finished entry 1 with exit code: 0 [INFO] Runtime: 00:00:01.3997500 Sending log to the server: Posting preparation - Loaded variables, created log file and checking for CCExtractor build artifact to the server: 500 - Internal server error

500 - Internal server error

This isn't supposed to happen :(

If this error persists, please get in touch.

Posting testing - Running tests to the server: 500 - Internal server error

500 - Internal server error

This isn't supposed to happen :(

If this error persists, please get in touch.

[INFO] Starting test suite for CCExtractor - If you encounter any issues using this program, don't hesitate to ask questions or report problems on GitHub. Please don't forget to attach logs (enable extensive logging using the -debug flag). [INFO] Test suite version: 0.8.8323.26297 [INFO] [INFO] If you want to see the available flags, run this program with --help. Press ctrl-c to abort if necessary. [INFO] [WARN] Provided no config or an invalid one; reverting to default config (CCExtractorTester.exe.config) [INFO] Generated result files will be stored in /repository/tmpFiles(when running multiple tests after another, files might be overwritten) [INFO] Overriding CCExtractorLocation with given version (located at: ccextractor) [INFO] Overriding timeout with: 3000 [INFO] Overriding ReportFolder with: /repository/reports [INFO] Overriding ResultFolder with: /repository/TestResults [INFO] Overriding SampleFolder with: /repository/TestFiles [INFO] Setting report URL to provided value! [INFO] Running provided file [INFO] Multitest, overriding report folder to: /repository/reports/Testsuite_Report_2022-10-15_220621 [INFO] Starting with entry 1 of 1 [ERROR] Path is empty [ERROR] The remote server returned an error: (500) INTERNAL SERVER ERROR. Sending log to the server: